Thursday, October 8, 2009

In the midst of "Midsummer"

We're about half-way through "Midsummer," and have completed the initial draft of the play. All entrances and exits have been determined, and main playing spaces defined. The company cannot move into their new theatre (see pics from previous posts!) until tech, so we are simulating a multi-level groundplan in a one-level rehearsal room.

Try miming this without the ledge, or the pipe to hold onto!

Director Kevin Moriarty is making a conscious effort toward utilizing the entirety of the stage, backstage and the house in an effort to consecrate the whole building through this inaugural production, so there is a lot of humorous miming of going up and down ladders and sitting on top of each other going on in rehearsal!

Above, three actors seem to be occupying the same corner of the rehearsal room. In reality, they are on three different levels of the theatre. Tech is going to be fun!

Kevin has smartly chosen not to have any doubling, which means that he can be staging the Lovers while the voice and text coach prepares the Royals and the choreographer works with the Fairies and I review the Mechanicals. Four rooms on the go all the time!

(posted by Ed)

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